In 2019, the Turkish housing sector set an all-time record with 45,483 housing units sold to foreigners. 2021 promises to be a new breakthrough - more than 50,000 objects sold by the end of this year.
Ömer Faruk Akbal, President of Real Estate International Promotion Association, said in an interview that the Turkish real estate market expects a new record in real estate sales to foreign investors. By July 2021, foreign buyers had purchased 25,310 housing units, a 64% increase over the same periods in previous years.
Investment Potential of Turkish Property Investment is one of the most common reasons for buying property in Turkey. First, the Turkish market is attracting international buyers with record high growth rates. According to statistics, from January 2020 to January 2021, real estate in Turkey has risen by 34.7%. Secondly, there are opportunities here for all budgets. Apartment prices start at 25,000 euros.
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