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The value of real estate in Turkey continues to grow: time to buy

  • 24.11.2022
  • 1189
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The value of real estate in Turkey continues to grow: time to buy

Analytical data for October show that the average increase in real estate prices in Turkey for the current period of the year is 191%. This is not the limit. In popular locations, these figures are higher. In Istanbul, housing prices rose by 218%, while in Antalya, this figure reached 223.5%. Mersin has the highest indicators, where apartments have risen in price by 231%. Now, the minimum cost of housing is 100,000 euros, and this is for low-cost options.

Experts believe that the situation will remain the same, and it is high time to profitably invest in real estate in Turkey. Strong demand is driving prices up: sales have increased by almost 27% in the current period of the year alone. Most likely, the value of real estate will continue to grow.

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