Euro priser
  • USD/RUB94.2649
  • GBP/RUB117.4227
  • TRY/RUB2.8978
  • EUR/RUB100.279
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Fantastic apartment showroom!

  • 27.05.2019
  • 11894
  • 13
  • 1
Fantastic apartment showroom!

A new showroom of a 2+1 Yekta Alara Park apartment has been presented. The apartment design was developed by our talented designer Selman Küçükayaz. There were no special design requirements or any other conditions. So that Selman had a chance to express all his ideas in full.

The main idea of the project is to create an impressive sophisticated luxury design that will also be very functional!

The designer built a luxurious design using mirrors, furniture with reflective surface, natural stone and velvet. The coffee table and the shelves are made of real onyx. The big wardrobe doors are made of colored glass. At the bed-heads in the children’s room, Selman created the wall art that creates a dynamic atmosphere in the room. Another important focus is made on the lighting.

We think the designer created a really amazing interior design that adds an atmosphere of excusive luxury in the apartment. Many thanks to Selman!

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Kontakt erfarne ledere

Ali Pazandeh
Salgssjef, Grafisk designer