Euro priser
  • USD/RUB92.0783
  • GBP/RUB115.212
  • TRY/RUB2.8326
  • EUR/RUB98.7079
2305leiligheter På side

Prices for apartments with balconies and cottages in Turkey increased by an average of 15%

  • 19.10.2020
  • 2350
  • 1
  • 0
Prices for apartments with balconies and cottages in Turkey increased by an average of 15%

Real estate agencies in the country have noted an increase in demand for villas and apartments with balconies which was caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
Over the past six months, Turks bought 233% more detached properties than before the lockdown. The most popular options are penthouses, apartments with large balconies, and apartments on the ground floor with access to a private garden. Two-level apartments have also become more popular. Buyers choose detached housing in order to be able to spend time outdoors during the pandemic and self-isolation.
Due to the growing demand for these real estate options, their cost has increased by an average of 15%.

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Ali Pazandeh
Salgssjef, Grafisk designer