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Changes in short-term rentals regulations in Turkey: what investors need to know

  • 10.11.2023
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Changes in short-term rentals regulations in Turkey: what investors need to know

On October 25, Turkey adopted a new law that directly affects the interests of property investors receiving income from short-term rentals.

Now, to run a rental business, you need a permit from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

To obtain a permit, it is necessary to have your plan to rent out an apartment short-term approved by all other owners within the residential complex.

The complex’s rules may allow you to rent out a residential unit. It must be supported by 4/5 of the owners. In this case, a permit is not required.

Those who do not comply with the new rules will be penalised with a heavy fine, the amount of which depends on several aspects. It can vary from €3,300 to €33,000.

Since there is no law enforcement practice yet, there are more questions than answers so far. Only time will tell how the new regulation will work.

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