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Residential construction reforms in Turkey: quality of new buildings is coming to a new level

  • 21.06.2021
  • 1908
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Residential construction reforms in Turkey: quality of new buildings is coming to a new level

Good news awaits everyone who is planning to buy property in Turkey. Over the past few years, the state has invested a lot of money and effort in the renovation of the housing stock, improving the general condition of Turkish apartments and houses.

The impetus for development was healthy competition in the domestic and international markets, as well as the business processes put on stream. All this prompted developer to pay more attention to technical regulations and details. Residential construction in Turkey is subject to strict seismic regulations, even in areas where there is no such threat.

For example, in the southern regions of Turkey, the construction of houses is carried out exclusively using monolithic reinforced concrete and wood, the quality of which is strictly checked.

In connection with the innovations, it was possible to eliminate almost all long-term construction projects. Construction in Turkey is a strictly streamlined, clear business. Under the influence of high consumer demand, companies cannot afford downtime, so the construction of new houses takes an average of 1.5 - 2 years.

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