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Real estate market results in Turkey in the first half of 2023: Selling prices are rising

  • 10.08.2023
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Real estate market results in Turkey in the first half of 2023: Selling prices are rising

According to the results of the first half of 2023, the cost of real estate in Turkey continues to grow at such a pace that the country ranks first in the world according to the global growth index.

Turkey has no competitors with annual figures reaching 138%. Even the sad events of the spring, caused by a major earthquake, did not deter local and foreign buyers. Considering that most analytical agencies calculate growth rates in local currency, they do not seem too outstanding to foreign investors. It is still possible to find worthy offers on the market for prices ranging from €170,000 to €200,000.

It is quite likely that the market has not yet reached its peak of growth, so investing in overseas seaside properties is more advantageous at the moment.

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