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The ministry of tourism in Turkey receives a proposal for the introduction of a digital nomad visa

  • 31.08.2023
  • 2137
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The ministry of tourism in Turkey receives a proposal for the introduction of a digital nomad visa

Representatives of the tourism industry in Alanya are proposing that the Ministry of Tourism implement a digital nomad visa program. This initiative is believed to be beneficial in maintaining a consistent occupancy rate for hotels and rental properties in Alanya throughout the year.

The current visa system in Turkey allows foreigners to stay for 90 days before having to leave the country for an equal period. However, this arrangement poses difficulties for individuals who work remotely. To stimulate the real estate market, it would be advantageous to introduce a visa that is valid for a minimum of 6 months. Although no response has been received from the authorities yet, it is unlikely that such a decision will be made in the near future due to the stricter visa regulations currently in place.

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