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The reasons why Turkish housing is so popular with Russians are revealed

  • 01.06.2023
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The reasons why Turkish housing is so popular with Russians are revealed

Russians are active buyers of apartments in the Republic of Turkey. According to unofficial data, Russian citizens have purchased 20,000 residential properties in Turkey since the beginning of 2023.

Experts point to good weather conditions in the country and a large selection of housing as one of the main reasons for the demand for Turkish housing among Russians. The country can offer customers to purchase a villa with a private pool, an apartment, penthouses and townhouses in gated communities with developed social infrastructure. It is important to note that high-quality premium housing is available to middle-income Russians. In addition, foreigners can apply for a mortgage in Turkey.

The process of purchasing housing in the Republic of Turkey is simple. To become the owner of a local apartment, you need to choose a property, sign a preliminary sales contract, make an advance payment of 10% of the cost of the residence, get an identification code, open a bank account and renew your ownership rights.

Another reason for the growing demand for Turkish housing is that buyers can obtain a residence permit in the country and citizenship.

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