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What to expect from the Turkey real estate market: experts believe now is the ideal time for real estate investment

  • 17.11.2023
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What to expect from the Turkey real estate market: experts believe now is the ideal time for real estate investment

Experts are pondering the question of what to expect from the real estate market in Turkey, whether there will be price adjustments or a recession.

Based on the latest statistical data, it can be said that the current market is favorable for buyers.

There is an increase in the number of property listings, which allows buyers to make informed choices rather than purchasing properties on a residual basis.

The duration of property listings on the market has almost doubled compared to the same period in 2022, reaching 65 days. This makes it easier for buyers to make informed decisions. The market remains promising for investment and the price trend is more like a correction. Now is considered the best time to invest in Turkish real estate.

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