  • USD/RUB94.1399
  • GBP/RUB117.4055
  • TRY/RUB2.8969
  • EUR/RUB100.532
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What taxes and expenses will you have to pay for real estate services in 2021 in Turkey?

  • 22.03.2021
  • 4945
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What taxes and expenses will you have to pay for real estate services in 2021 in Turkey?

Whether you have a place to live in Turkey or you are just about to have one, it will be useful for you to know how much and what you will have to pay for in 2021.

Items of taxes and expenses:

  • Property acquisition tax is 4% of the declared value;
  • Property tax is charged annually and amounts to 0.3% of the declared value;
  • Water charge is 4 TRY per cubic meter (according to the meter reading);
  • Electricity fee is 0.70-0.90 TRY per 1 kW (payment by meter);
  • Gas bottle is 12kg for 120-130 TRY;
  • Services related to the conclusion of a transaction (translator, notary, etc.) are subject to possible expenses;
  • Territory maintenance fee is from 60 EUR per month.

It is important to note that these prices are subject to change, as they are regulated by the management company, the municipality, the local administration, as well as the tax authorities of Turkey.

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