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  • USD/RUB90.17
  • GBP/RUB113.5752
  • TRY/RUB2.4841
  • EUR/RUB94.0834
2285apartments on site


  • George



  • Dario



  • Tamara and Uwe, Germany
    Tamara and Uwe, Germany

    After visiting different countries, we realized that the best spot for going on holiday for us is Alanya with its great infrastructure and wonderful climate.

    We simply fell in love with this place and finally decided to buy an apartment there.

    After a few not very successful tries in May 2018, we met Natalia Krupka, who works at Yekta Homes.

    Natalia is a real professional. She helped us to find our dream apartment that matched our budget.

    Before we signed all the paper and got our Tapu, we had a chance to meet the rest of the Yekta Homes team.

    They provided us a great apartment where we could stay for free for 10 days, while we were waiting for our papers. Within these 10 days, Natalia helped us handle different issues, accompanied us to the bank, showed the city and other worth visiting spots. We will never forget the Turkish breakfast at the mountain river.

    Natalia arranged all of this.

    Yulia, Selem Bay and the rest of the team let us feel home.

    After we got our Tapu, Natalia continued helping us.


    We’ve never seen such quality of service!

    We’d like to thank Natalia and rest of team for their great work. We’re glad to become part of Yekta Homes family.
  • Larisa & Sergey
    Larisa & Sergey
    We can’t say enough how we enjoyed working with Yekta Homes team. First, we visited their showrooms where we were able to carefully study the interior and other design solutions of our future apartment. We also visited already their already finished projects and really liked their well-thought design details and all other stuff. Now, when we have already invested our money in their project – Alora Park, they constantly provide us with updated information and current construction works. The company may also consider your suggestions. After everything we saw, we can say that Yekta Homes is one of the best and reliable developers in the real estate market. And we’d also like to thank Natalia, who is working with us, for her professionalism and help.
  • Vladimir  К.
    Vladimir К.

    We really enjoyed buying an apartment at Yekta Homes. Located in Mahmutlar district, in the IN + complex, the apartment is 7 minutes walk from the sea with perfect layout and nice finishing. We did not find similar offerings for the same fiasco. Cooperation was very enjoyable. We recommend Yekta Homes to anyone looking for a good home at reasonable prices/

  • Anatoly K.
    Anatoly K.

    Yekta Homwa offers high quality homes. Always courteous service, attentive managers, personal trekking. If you value quality, comfort, reliability, choose houses from Yekta Homes. I invested in the Alara Park Residence complex. The manager helped me deal with Alina!

  • Tamara I.
    Tamara I.

    For us the difference between Yekta Homes is their highest service and a special attitude to the customers. In the complex Yekta Plaza plaja is 5 minutes away 1 + 1, 64.5 m. The employees of the company immediately own the most appropriate conditions and many additional services. This attitude is very nice! Most importantly, this is not just words. The company really fulfills its promises. In this atmosphere, buying real estate is becoming a holiday! Choose Yekta Homes with all other conditions! You will not regret it!

  • Andrey S.
    Andrey S.
    Yekta Homes helped me buy modern housing in Turkey at a reasonable price. The property I bought is an apartment with two bedrooms, a living room and a kitchen. When I was buying my apartment, only the basement of the building was ready. That is why the price was not that high. Before choosing a company, I studied the market carefully and collected reviews on different companies. Yekta Homes turned out to be one of the most reliable and I checked it for myself. Natalia, my manager, is a real professional. I would surely recommend this company.
  • Valeriya L.
    Valeriya L.
    I’d surely recommend this company if you are looking for an apartment in Turkey. Yekta Homes ensures high-quality housing in modern development projects. Reasonable prices, flexible terms and conditions. I really appreciate how they handled all paper work and managed the deal. Many thanks to the whole team.
  • Alexander I.
    Alexander I.
    The idea to buy an apartment at Yekta Homes was I must say a bit spontaneous. My wife and I were on holiday in Turkey and someone suggested that we consider investing money in one of this company’s properties. So, the company arranged the inspection tour, provided a transfer and all details on their property offers. We were quite impressed by the quality of construction works and as a result decided to invest our money and buy an apartment with a free-interest loan. So, we became not just buyers but Yekta’s partner. After two years, when our apartment was ready we got our keys. Now we rent out our apartment and soon we will be able to get our invested money back.
  • Nikolay P.
    Nikolay P.
    I really enjoyed working with the company. I bought an apartment in yekta Towers Residence. The quality of the building and apartment itself, communication with customers, everything is great. There has not been a minute when I regretted buying an apartment in Turkey and choosing these guys. I can say for sure the company is reliable and trustworthy. I really appreciated that they do not change their attitude to customers after all papers are signed. They answered all my questions and helped fix a few problems. I’d definitely recommend them!
  • Valery and Xenia
    Valery and Xenia

    Our experience with Yekta Homes enables us to tell you that this is the most reliable and professional company. Service - at top level. Any problem is solved quickly, simple and with the advantage for us. We were worried about Paramy because they had to work very hard, but now we are very pleased that they have invested in real estate from Yekta Homes.

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