Euro rates
  • USD/RUB91.3591
  • GBP/RUB113.9343
  • TRY/RUB2.5302
  • EUR/RUB94.9221
2285apartments on site


  • 26.03.2021
  • 4524
  • 155
  • -97

What is HES code (Hayat Eve Sığar)

The HES code (Hayat Eve Sığar) has been implemented by the Turkish Ministry of Health to help bring down the amount of Covid-19 patients. The HES code will keep track of your activities, like visits of high traffic areas

Tourists also need to have a HES code (Hayat Eve Sığar) to enter shopping malls, restaurants and cafeterias, government buildings, or when they take any public transportation, local and inter-city, in Turkey, except for domestic flights.

A separate HES code must be obtained for each travelling guest. HES code is not required for 0-2 years old only.

How do I get a HES code?

To apply for a code you must have access to a mobile phone registered by a mobile network in Turkey. (only Turkish GSM operators)
You have to send an SMS with the following information to the number 2023.

Please be sure to follow the following format:

e.g. HES CAD 12345678 1985 SMITH


Make sure you use the same passport that you used to enter Turkey. Don't forget, the text message

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Ali Pazandeh
Sales representative, Graphic designer