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Have time to attend a Yekta Homes seminar in Moscow

  • 26.03.2021
  • 2742
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Have time to attend a Yekta Homes seminar in Moscow

The Yekta Homes Team invites everyone to attend an interesting seminar in Moscow.

During the event, we will

  • answer the most burning questions related to buying a property in Turkey;
  • find out the details of getting a residence permit;
  • talk about taxes and key expenses in the country;
  • tell you how to get mortgage loans and installments.

You will find a lot of useful information that will be a huge move for your life in sunny Turkey.

The event will take place on March 27-28 at 14:00, at the Novotel hotel in Moscow City, Presnenskaya Embankment, 2.

You can make an appointment for the seminar by phone: +90 533 782 0000

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Ali Pazandeh
Sales representative, Graphic designer